Donald Trump hat gerade einen Präsidentenerlass unterzeichnet, die verbliebenen Akten zu den Attentaten auf John F. Kennedy, Robert Kennedy und Martin Luther King jr. freizugeben.
Sensation perfekt.
President @realDonaldTrump signs an Executive Order to declassify the JFK, RFK, and MLK Jr. files!
Das ist amtlich: Margo Martin
Special Assistant to the President and Communications Advisor, Official Account
Interessant dazu:
The Vigilant Fox
RFK Jr. Says the CIA is GUILTY of Murdering His Uncle ‘Beyond a Reasonable Doubt’
The evidence is “so abundant and so definitive” that if RFK Jr. tried the case, where the CIA was on the dock, he says he could “win in front of almost any jury.”
The reason why JFK was murdered, according to Kennedy, is because he defied the military-industrial complex:
“The people who were involved (in the assassination) were all people who were part of the Miami station who were angry at him for not invading Cuba. And they were also angry at him for ending the war in Vietnam. And he [JFK] had, 30 days earlier, signed National Security Order 263, ordering all troops home from Vietnam.”
LG Reffke
Wer warnen will, den straft man mit Verachtung.
Die Dummheit wurde zur Epidemie.
So groß wie heute war die Zeit noch nie.
Ein Volk versinkt in geistiger Umnachtung.
Erich Kästner "Große Zeiten"