Prophetischer Leitartikel vom 25. Mai 1943

Monterone, Freitag, 26.05.2017, 21:17 (vor 2799 Tagen) @ software-engineer4866 Views
bearbeitet von unbekannt, Freitag, 26.05.2017, 21:21

England, oh England, du ewiger Zerstörer Europas! Du Schlächter der
europäischen Kultur zu Gunsten eines imperialen Wahns, der im Siedekessel
eines insulären Irrenhauses im Blutschlamm des moralischen Abschaums
Europas versinkt! Wann wird endlich ein gnädiger Gott diese Hölleninsel
auf ewig im Meer versenken?

On May 25, 1943, Marcel Déat published a prophetic editorial (*Die angloamerikanische Versklavung*). He foresaw what the destiny of France and of Europe would be in the event of an allied victory.

After recalling that, because international capitalism had gone on a crusade to eradicate the Third Reich there would never be any peace compromise, he explained: "What does American capitalism want? To dominate tomorrow’s world markets with the help of its gold reserves."

Déat warns that: "Every nation under this supervision loses control of its currency, its loan and no longer has the freedom to regulate its trade deals." Loss of control of one’s own currency: does that remind you of anything?

However, Déat goes further: After analyzing the Anglo-Saxon capitalists’ grand project, he stressed: "It is uniquely a question of dominating and exploiting other countries; nothing to do with bringing them together in a joint effort. (...) The Americans consider themselves the heirs to planetary leadership, in the name of the greatest profits for industry and finance, as well as with the determined aim of placing the entire world under their control."

And here again, Déat warned: "Imagine the fate of France within this fine system. First, we are crushed under the weight of appalling debt which we must pay off in order to guarantee our "deliverance." All our gold will not be enough and, if we are given any currency, it will be thanks to a loan with the Bank for International Settlements, which binds us further."

"Even our agriculture will be subject to strict regulation." All that reminds you of nothing?

Déat then goes on to unveil the immediate consequence of this, namely, general
impoverishment: "As dependents when it comes to our own currency, loans, production and consumption, wages will be calculated on a scale which corresponds to Anglo-American conjuncture. We shall be reduced to a state of slavery, like a new kind of negro".

Déat then considers our future political world: "We can imagine what will remain of political liberty: puppets will still form governments, for it will be convenient to use them to transmit and enforce orders coming from the financial consortium whose total power will govern our destinies. Enthusiastic docility not instilled by way of fear will be guaranteed and finalized by cheap corruption."

Marcel Déat ends his prophecy as follows: "And, of course, a vast undertaking of rotting the race, biologically and morally, which will develop through the press, literature and cinema. French thought will become a standardized lucubration of miserable slogans. It will be the end of all culture, the lamentable twilight of everything that once represented the honor and greatness of European civilization."

Marcel Déats Leitartikel ganz links, *L'esclavagisme anglo-americain*.


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